art as a gateway
for change
Our artists share the belief that creativity is not a solitary movement. “The power unleashed when our images, words, and ideas are experienced by another has the potential to inspire a chain reaction of change. We believe that creating a little bit of beauty and releasing it into the world is a way to combat these trying times. Every person is filled with morsels of story and poetry waiting to be revealed.”
We matter. You matter. Art matters.
MAke it personal
We partner art and fashion with inspiring mantras, messages and blessings as a means to ignite self awareness, personal choice, soul appreciation, individual responsibility and a vision for positive change.
Wear what feels good!
MAke it matter
We share the wisdom and power of “good medicine” in a multitude of forms – a little something for everyone – to act as guidance, good luck, positive thinking, protection, abundance, love, etc. to the individuals who wear these pieces.
Wear what you need!
do something
We remove some of the burden from the planet -- sustain and repurpose — by taking the discarded, lost, unwanted and infusing them with new life, intention and truth. Discovering and honoring the beauty, usefulness and value in all things and people.
We bring beauty and color into the world and inspire others to do the same.
Wear what inspires!